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Today is the beginning of a new start for Piper. She had a hemodialysis port surgically implanted into her chest near her left collarbone. Over the next 24-48 hours she will undergo gentle dialysis on a continuous basis. Once the doctors are happy with her adaption to dialysis, she will transition to intermittent dialysis.

It’s unclear whether or not she will go home before her kidneys are removed at this point. The team meets on Tuesday to formulate a roadmap. If they want to wait for several weeks before nephrectomy, she will go home and have dialysis several times a week. If surgery is scheduled sooner, she will just stay here.

We are thankful for the wonderful care she has been receiving, especially from Dr. Tapia. Piper is in the best possible hands.

The emotions are still raw. This has been difficult to say the least yet we are getting through it. After all we went through with infertility, we never foresaw this, but we are well aware that it could be so much worse.

Anyway, Piper says hi:


Love, Chris and Erin

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4 thoughts on “PIPER’s OUT OF SURGERY

  1. Susie and I are so concerned but are happy that you and Erin are so with it. We love you all so much.
    Susie and Pappa

  2. Hi C & E and all the Lee Girls, WoW so much going on. I so appreciate your blogs and you make it so easy to follow along with all the procedures Chris, Thanks for that. We’re so happy you like your medical team and Dr. Tapia. You need that kind of trust and caring when your in a life threatening situation. We will continue with many many prayers and please know we are having a mass said for Piper tomorrow at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Atlanta GA. God Bless xxxxxxxxxxx’s to the girls. DT

  3. Dear Chris, Erin, Sophia, Harper & Precious Piper,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you are faced with this most difficult journey. You said Piper is in the best hands and that is an understatement! I’ll say she is because she is also blessed with wonderful parents who are the two most strong, positive, courageous people I know and a true inspiration to us all!
    Piper and the girls are so fortunate to have such amazing loving parents and family/friend support!
    If you need anything or if I can help in any way please do not hesitate to let me know. I will continue sending prayers your way especially for your darling daughter the true hero and fighter. Love, Lisa

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