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Today’s surgery was a total success and we are so thrilled to let you know that Piper no longer has a hemodialysis port dangling from her chest any longer. It’s been a long, long year and this really felt like the turning of another page in all of our lives. Piper has been acting like a normal, healthy child for a while now, but today she finally looks “normal” again.

She is scheduled to go back to daycare next Wednesday, April 1st, and should get her first bath since August around the same time.

On another note, some of you know that while we were in the middle of all of this back in October, I was trying a three week misappropriation of trade secrets and defamation trial against Hewlett Packard.  In fact, I had to take a day off of trial for Piper’s kidneys to come out. We got a great jury verdict that we were really proud of which would potentially save our clients’ business. Of course, Hewlett Packard filed a number of post trial motions and finally, today, we got the opinion from our judge and she ruled in our favor on all 5 motions.  It was a big moment for me and my colleague who tried the case with me and it made a good day even better.

Anyway, thanks for all of your support and love. We really appreciate it!

Love – Chris and Erin



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2 thoughts on “PIPER IS PORT-FREE!

  1. Thrilled for you! I well remember when my port was removed (chemotherapy port) and the day was more significant than just the removal of the port. It marked the end of an era, turned a page and closed a chapter!

    I have prayed for you, Chris and Piper, for months – ever since Sue called out her prayer warriors- and have felt close to you in spirit. I thank God for his healing touch on you both. How awesome your future will be now that all of this is pretty much behind you. I feel assured to say that one day you will look on this experience as one of the best things that ever happened to you. You have been tested and won! XXX

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