C.Diff. C.Sucks.

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After a much needed six nights in Jamaica, Erin and I returned home to gastric madness!  We are so thankful to both of our mothers for staying with the kids while we went on vacation, especially since it wasn’t quite as easy and painless as we’d hoped for them.

Early in the vacation, we got a call that some of Piper’s bloodwork was funny.  Two of her levels that they look at were off, so she had to go back in to get re-tested a few days later.  Those few days were tough for Erin and I as we were really trying not to think about it while 2000 miles away and helpless.  Thankfully, her next round of bloodwork came back normal and we each wiped our brows while exhaling loudly.

Then, on Thursday, poor Harper came down with a terrible stomach bug.  Lots of vomit and diarrhea and a sick little girl.  We got home to a sad little Harper bunny on Friday evening and by Saturday evening, guess what?  Yep…Piper caught it and had puked all over her crib by the time we went up to bed that night.  Erin rushed her over to A.I. to get fluids and subsequently, Piper has been stuck here on an IV.

The culprit is c.diff., which is a nasty little bacteria that often gets passed around in a hospital setting.  It’s transmitted through fecal matter (yes, that) and we know Piper has it and believe that Harper also had it.  Luckily, Harper is doing much better and is back to the happy little bugger we know and love.  Piper, on the other hand is still suffering from that nasty c.diff diarrhea (really stinky!) so we’ll be in here until at least tomorrow (Tuesday).

Ultimately, she should be completely fine after we get this under control, but another stay in the hospital is not what we wanted!  That said, I am always reminded how truly lucky we are when I come here.  God has really blessed us in so many ways and although the last year has been difficult, it could be so much worse and I am absolutely aware of it.

Thanks again for all of your prayers.  The Piper’s Kidney Beans Foundation has been formally established and we are in the process of getting bylaws drafted and a board of directors appointed.  You can also visit the website at www.piperskidneybeans.org.  For now, that address will take you to this website but in time, we will be developing a new website solely for the foundation.

Love – Chris and Erin

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One thought on “C.Diff. C.Sucks.

  1. Hi Chris:

    I freelance for Parents magazine and my editor expressed intereset in doing a story about Piper’s medical experience and your foundation. I’m wondering if this is something you might be interested in participating in. If so, I’d like to set up a time to talk on the phone at your convenience.
    Thanks so much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Sandra Gordon, sandra@sandrajgordon.com, 203-221-7632

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