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I have a few things to report. First, Piper had dialysis today and all went well. All of her numbers looked fine and it looks like surgery will go forward on Friday.

Second, Erin took Piper to be evaluated by a psychiatrist today to make sure there weren’t any delays and also so we could get a baseline for her development. The great news is that she is in the 95th percentile of problem solving and 95th percentile of fine motor skills. She was not quite as advanced in gross motor and verbal but that’s because of being sick and all of the drugs she’s on. We were thrilled to hear this.  Given that she’s the least developed of all of our kids at this age, we are very lucky to have such smart little people!!!

Third, as some of you know, I am actually in trial right now.  It’s a three week misappropriation of trade secrets trial that began today and I represent the plaintiff.  We always thought this case would settle but, alas, it hasn’t. We picked a jury today and I made my opening statement and the trial will proceed through the rest of the week, save for Friday, which everyone agreed should be an “off” day for obvious reasons.

The reason I mention this is because I am almost never at home right now and Erin is taking care of all three kids and all of the house stuff. I go to work at 8 am and get home at 9 pm. I am absolutely no help at home and Erin deserves so much credit. Next time you see her, hug her please!

On a side note, I really hope Sophia climbs into bed with us tonight9 because I miss these kids!

We will let you know if we get the go ahead for surgery as expected on Thursday. Thanks for all of the good thoughts and support! They really help!

Love – Chris and Erin


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7 thoughts on “THINGS ON TRACK

  1. HI Lee family. You are on the prayer list of our church. Prayer is so powerful. it makes wonderful things happen. We are all praying for you here and will wait to hear how everything goes. Love,susan and glenn mcallister

  2. We are waiting for the good news that all is a go for Friday.
    Thanks for the updates.

  3. Emma and TJ are off on Friday, so if you need ANY help at all, let me know! They can help with Soph and Harper….picking up or whatever….We are praying for all of you!

  4. Fingers crossed here for a “GO” for Friday. Sending prayers and lots of hugs and love to all!!

  5. Hoping everything went well, and that surgery is still a go for tomorrow. Piper has lots of people praying and wishing her the speediest recovery. Hugs to you all!!!

  6. Hi guys. Erin told me about the blog. We are sending positive thoughts/prayers your way right now. I can come grab Sophia anytime next week to play with Garner…please don’t hesitate to text if you need anything!

    Brandon and Kathryn

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