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I am grateful to Erin for updating the blog yesterday with our great results.  We were so happy to hear that her kidneys were cancer-free.  Erin and I both agree that the love and prayers that have enveloped Piper over the last few weeks played a major role in keeping her safe and sound.

Piper is set to be discharged very shortly.  She had a good dialysis session today and is up and ready to get the heck out of that hospital!!!

She will be able to return to daycare immediately and I know she will love to be with her friends over there.  More importantly, I know all three girls will be so excited to be reunited at home this evening.  It’s been difficult to watch our precious little people react to all of this in their own little ways.  Harper certainly misses her twin and she is clingier than ever.  Sometimes she just walks around looking for Piper.  Sophia has also been more clingy and a little downtrodden.  She really misses her sister and can’t wait to have her home.

Here is Piper today:


Love – Chris and Erin

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2 thoughts on “THANKFUL THURSDAY

  1. God is good to those who wait – and you all have waited long enough for such heart warming positive news!
    Love & Hugs to all….. M

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