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It was a long Thanksgiving weekend after getting the news of the surgery delay on Wednesday.  Nonetheless, we spent it with some of our favorite people and that helped cushion the blow.  I’m so thankful for the love and support we received from the Wheatleys, Thomas’, Frieths, Marvels, Fedales, Headleys and all the other people we got to spend time with this weekend.  They all helped us feel better about things.

I’m also thankful that my Mom is here now and she is helping so much with Piper.

Despite our best efforts, we could not get the tissue typing moved up to today, which is what we tried to do.  The next tissue typing will occur next Monday, December 8th.  Cathy McAdams has been such a great coordinator and advocate for us and we are so grateful to her.  She spoke with the tissue typing lab at Jefferson and the tissue typing lab at CHOP today to try and determine whether a two week delay was necessary.  Indeed it is, but the good news is that they expect the next tissue typing to come back as good as the latest one, which is perfect.  They will not test the August sample again as they have determined that PIper’s sample was simply a faulty sample which could have been caused by a number of reasons, but was likely caused by a nephrotic syndrome incident or a virus in Piper’s blood.

There is no reason to believe that the next test will come back as positive, yet, it’s still a possibility.  No one thinks so, but you never know and that’s why they want two “negative” tests before proceeding.

There was some talk after the last tissue test of being able to get this surgery back on the calendar in December, but Cathy didn’t think the chances were good since we need two operating rooms.  However, in a true testament to Cathy’s herculean efforts, she was indeed able to secure the second operating room today and all surgeons are on board for the 16th.  That means little Piper will be in the hospital for Christmas, but I’m sure Santa will find her there!

In the meantime, we will try to go about our lives.  We had really prepared for the surgery to be tomorrow and it is taking some effort to put that out of our minds.  The most important thing we can do is keep me and Piper healthy.  She is so healthy right now and barely even has a sniffle.  We need to keep her in good shape so this thing can move forward on the 16th!

In other far less important, but thrilling news, Clemson finally beat South Carolina after a 5 year losing streak.  At least that made the weekend a little better!  Here we all are after Clemson’s big win!


Thanks for the continued prayers and love.  It means the world to us.

Love – Chris and Erin (and Sophia and Harper and of course…PIPER!)

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  1. So glad to read this blog today. We are all pulling for you all to be able to move forward from this. And yes, we are certain Santa will find Piper!! Hugs!!

  2. That is a lovely photo, tragic and the colors are all wrong but a beautiful family. As always in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Like always…a great blog today!! Looks like God has a plan. Keep writing from the heart Chris….it makes you so “real”. Your love for your family, friends, and God…..and of course Clemson (ha ha) continues to shine. So glad your mom is there to help…she is the BEST!!

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