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Well, the day is almost upon us. Piper and I are both in the hospital and we have rooms next door to each other. Tomorrow at 7 am, they will take me down to the OR, and surgery should be underway to remove my left kidney by 8 am. Piper will go down an hour or two after I do and they will begin operating on her to prepare her for my kidney. Once my kidney is out, they will flush it and then put it directly in her. I should be done by noon or 1 and will likely be back in my room by 3 pm. Piper will be done a few hours later and will stay down in the PICU for several days.

It’s still hard for me to believe that this is really happening. The last seven months have been absolutely crazy. I look around this hospital and I know how lucky we are, but it’s still very surreal that I am giving my little girl my kidney because hers failed her. Absolutely nuts!

We have been so lucky to have so many people praying for us and going out of their way to help us. We could not have done this without all of you. You kept us positive and sane during a very difficult period.  I’m not sure we deserve it, but we are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in our lives, especially our tireless friend Desiree. Someone get that girl a spa day or something!

I am also so grateful that my parents and big brother are here with us right now. Mom and Dad have been the best parents a guy could have and I know how difficult this has been for them and I love them immensely. I’m also so happy to have gotten to spend time with my brother Chuck over the last few days. He always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better and I’m so lucky to have him in my life. I will be happy when my sister Katie and her family get here later this week. I will also be happy to have my mother in law Louise get here next week.

As always, Erin has been tremendous. She is such a great mom and these girls are so fortunate to have her as am I. She will need all the support and love she can get over the next few days/weeks so don’t hesitate to reach out to her.

I’m sure Erin will update the blog as the surgeries progress and I will check in when I feel up to it but we are confident things will go well and know God is watching over us.

Love – Chris and Erin

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  1. I have already prayed this morning for you and piper and the entire lee family. God will hold all of you in his very capable hands. love,susan mcallister

  2. Erin and Chris,
    Our prayers, positive thoughts, hugs and kisses. So glad this is finally underway.
    Sending lots of love, AC & UT

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