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It was a good weekend with lots of family time.  My trial ended on Friday (although I’m still waiting for a verdict) so I didn’t have to spend any time in the office this weekend.  It was a welcome change of pace.  The last few weeks have been very crazy for everyone and it was nice to have the family unit back in place.  Unfortunately, Erin spent most of the weekend fighting a pretty bad cold.

I was supposed to have my appointment with the surgeon today up in Philadelphia, but since I need to be close to the courthouse until the jury reaches a verdict, I have pushed that appointment off a bit.  We are scheduled to meet with all of the surgeons and doctors at A.I. duPont on Friday for a meeting about the surgery, so I’m sure I’ll have some information to share once that’s done.  Hopefully I can get up to Philadelphia in the next few weeks.

Piper had a great weekend.  All of the girls did, actually.  Piper got lots of sleep and she really has returned to her old self.  She laughs and smiles all of the time and she’s a very good independent player.  The medicine still has an effect on her, but now that the kidneys are out, she is a much happier little person.  She’s also catching up to Harper developmentally again, which is really great to see.

Harper is still a little freight train of noise.  She is the neediest of the three and follows you around everywhere saying, “up, up, up”.  Most of the time we cave in and pick her up, but sometimes you just need a break!  When she’s not being held, you usually know where she is because she walks around and yells for no reason.  She’s really loud, but so very cute.  She has such big, expressive eyes and a really pretty smile.  Hopefully the yelling and whining will cease sooner rather than later.

Sophia is such a wonderful big sister.  She’s always looking out for her sisters and making sure their okay.  She is a really good girl and has a huge heart.  I took her out for a special date on Saturday and we got her some flannel sheets for her bed, a new outfit, some cowgirl boots and we had a fun lunch at “McStonalds”.  I’m so proud of the little person she is becoming and except for a little bit of trouble listening to Mommy and Daddy, she is just the best kid a parent could ask for.  I look forward to living in her basement one day when I’m an old man.

Here are some pictures taken over the weekend.





Thank you all again for the kind posts, thoughts and prayers.  We’re thankful for all of it.

Love – Chris and Erin

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