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After a long and tedious discharge process yesterday, Piper is finally home with her sisters! Dr. Kaiser was very pleased with her blood work and once a urine sample had been obtained (by catheter, of course) she was cleared to come home.  When she got home she was so happy to be back with Harper and Sophia, and it looks like she’s going to have to learn to share Mommy again with her sisters.

Keeping track and administering her medications is a challenge, but we’ll get into a routine before long.  She slept great last night and had a good nap today and it looks like she’s really happy to get back to “normal” after a tough few weeks.  I can tell you for sure that Mommy and Daddy are happy to have her out of the hospital.  Now Mommy can get a full nights sleep!

I will write a more lengthy post on Monday, but just wanted to update you all.  Piper is doing great and we feel so fortunate that things have been going so well.


As always, thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers.  They really mean a lot to us.

Love – Chris and Erin

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2 thoughts on “SHE’S HOME!!!

  1. So overjoyed for the entire family! What wonderful news to start the New Year. May you pall thrive and just enjoy life this year.

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