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We are so happy to report that Piper was released from the PICU today and has been moved to the regular patient floor which I have been on since Tuesday. Piper is doing really well and looks like a million bucks. Today was the first day I had seen her since the surgery and you could just see it in her eyes that her body is working the way it’s supposed to again.

I am set to be discharged tomorrow after three of the most miserable days of my life. I don’t want to get into too great of detail about how I felt because I don’t want to put anyone off doing this for someone they love in the future, but it was a very difficult few days. Thank God men don’t have to bear children. The species would never survive! They did the best they could to manage my comfort but because the surgery took extra long due to some extra fatty tissue connected to my kidney, they had to keep me open a lot longer than usual which has made my recovery difficult. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new level of comfort.

I’m excited to get home and see my other babies. I miss them a ton. Piper will be here for several more days and Erin will bear the brunt of that which must be getting old. She’s done a great job and continues to get great help from the Headleys and my Mom.

Thanks for all of your prayers and love. We are very appreciative!

Love – Chris and Erin

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One thought on “PIPER IS OUT OF PICU

  1. We could not have had a better Christmas gift than knowing that the surgery has been successful and that Piper and Chris are doing so well!! You have all been with us in prayer day after day. God is good!
    Those post-op days- 2-3 days after surgery are typically the worst no matter the surgery. I can only imagine the pain following the transplant procedure, but the life-saving reason for it makes ennobles it and gives immense dignity to the sacrifice.
    We will continue to pray for your swift recoveries and that both Chris and Piper will celebrate Christmas at home with all the family!
    Much love to you all,
    Carmen and Gary Miles

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