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Piper is doing very well and the feeding tube has not been as bad as we thought it might be.  Yes, she pulls it out fairly regularly, but we’re getting pretty good at getting it back in.  We were lucky this weekend in that she didn’t need to have nighttime feedings so when she pulled the tube out on Friday night, we just left it out.  We’ll have to put it back in tonight because she’ll need those extra few ounces during the week.  It won’t be much fun, but it’s the best thing for her so Erin and I will find a way to get it in there with as little unpleasantness as possible.

All the girls had a good weekend.  We are so fortunate to have friends who offer to take Sophia for play dates.  On Saturday, the Myers family took Sophia so she could play with her friend Evelyn.  Then, on Sunday, the O’Hanlon family took Sophia so she could play with her friend Morgan.  Sophia loves these play dates and it allows her to get out of the house and play with other people’s toys, which we all can agree are better than your own toys!

Piper and Harper also had fun this weekend.  Sunday was fun because the twins and I didn’t get out of our pajamas all day and we just played on the floor.  Erin had to take Sophia to the doctor for what we thought were strange bumps on her tongue, but it just ended up being her taste buds!  While they were gone, I just let the twins climb all over me like a jungle gym and unsurprisingly, they were super tired and ready for naps by 11:30 am.

The transplant is still scheduled to be December 2nd and because we’re only two weeks away, Piper’s last day in daycare will be Tuesday.  The doctors want her to be out of daycare for two weeks prior to the surgery to avoid a potential illness which would push our transplant date back.  She will also be out of daycare for almost four months after the transplant so she can recover properly and we’re very fortunate that her daycare, EEC, is being so flexible with us and holding Piper’s spot in her classroom.

The results of my latest round of blood work came back and everything looks good.  We also got the results of my latest CT scan and it shows that I do actually have two ureters leading from my left kidney to my bladder.  I believe the doctors are still trying to decide which kidney to take, but it won’t matter to me.  My recovery is the same no matter what.  It only matters for Piper because the idea is to take the easiest kidney to transplant.  Multiple ureters might complicate things, so it might be better to take the right kidney.

Since there are only a few weeks left, I’m going to try and take extra good care of my body, which is hard for me to do.  I love to eat and I love to drink beer, but I’m going to try to limit my caloric intake and cut out alcohol until after I’ve recovered.  I might make one exception, given that my birthday is this Thursday!

Thanks again to all of you for your support and encouragement!

Love – Chris and Erin

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One thought on “MONDAY UPDATE

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRIS! All the best for a wonderful day and praying God will bless you in the year ahead. Especially the “weeks” ahead – please know we continue to pray for you, Piper, Erin, your whole family. God Bless You!

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