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As you have undoubtedly noticed, the website has undergone some changes and we are excited to begin to focus on the Foundation’s charitable goals.

That said, I thought now would be a good time to write an update on Piper’s condition.

In a word, Piper is doing GREAT.  Her latest appointment was on Monday, June 8th, and her blood test results and clinic appointment went extremely well.  She has been taken off yet another medication and we continue to reduce dosages of her other medicines.  All of the hair she grew while on minoxidil has finally disappeared and her coloring and appearance is so much better.  She looks totally healthy and acts accordingly!  The doctors and nurses could not be more satisfied with her condition.

My condition is also very good.  I’ve lost about 20 pounds (as directed by the transplant surgeon) and my blood sugar, protein and creatinine levels are all very normal.

Piper is fully back to school and is enjoying her weekends at the pool, playing and splashing like everyone else.  Her big full head of hair has come in so well now that she has a great kidney and it is thick just like her daddy’s!

Harper and Sophia continue to be the best sisters on the planet and the three of them all love each other so much.  Watching Harper and Piper give Sophia hugs and kisses each night at bed time is one of the most special things in our lives.  It is so nice for everyone to be back to normal!


As you know, Piper will have to be monitored for the rest of her life, but she is doing so well and we couldn’t be more thankful to God for her great recovery from a pretty awful disease.

Soon, you will be learning more about the Foundation and our goals.  We really believe we can play a large part in providing domestic genetic testing resources for all American children right here in Delaware.  Genetic testing saved Piper’s life and it could save the lives of countless other children who currently don’t have access to it.  Please support us in our mission!

Love to you all.

-Chris and Erin

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